Wednesday, August 19, 2009

So where does a low level civil servant go to get a bite around here? East downtown by the metrodome is a vast fast-food wasteland...There ahead in the distance, reasonably priced food that is actually healthy!!!Yes, folks it is the HCMC hospital cafeteria! True this: they have the best garlic cheese toast in the entire universe. They also have a decent salad bar, and even home-made tator tot hot dish (which I don't eat because it has meat in it). If you look for us during lunch, we are probably at the Caf. Vic swears by the Tuna salad samiches, and I have managed to addict Marti to the seafood bisque which is so good it should be illegal.

2nd choice, Thrivent employee cafeteria, 2nd floor, thrivent building. Really good homemade pizza.

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