Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Long time, no blog

So it is a YEAR after my last blog. really, what does that say about me? That I am BUSY. Grad school and work = no life. And then there's the kitties. In between this blog and the last one I have started working at Feline Rescue shelter in St. Paul, where I work as a cat adopter. You want a cat? I can hook you up.

I have struggled with blogging and work, and blogging, and privacy and blogging since the beginning. Now that we are mere days away from the giant state take-over (oh wait! you don't know about the giant state take-over, do you!!!) I decided it was OK to blog. I'll just be thoughtful and careful. You know, like I always am. Stop laughing.

So the big state take over. I know right? we ARE the state. but now a different state agency will be in charge of Guardians. What happened was this. Very smart legal people met and talked about how a party to the lawsuit (that's us) should not be ultimately managed by the finder of facts (that's the Judges). Being in the Judicial branch is an inherent conflict of interest for us. So we are now going to be managed by a BOARD of really smart legal people. Who aren't judges. But what about the money? Who is going to pay us?

The is that kids don't vote, and funding for children is even less popular than funding for criminals (ask the Public defenders about their budget sometime). So what they (the smart people) decided was that we would still get funding through the judicial branch but it would be "passed through" to our Board who would make all the decisions. I told you they were smart.

SO the board has been hired, and now they will plan to meet, and then they will plan to hire an executive director for the state GAL program. And then the magic happens and we figure out what our new work life is going to be like.

In the meantime, I will get back to blogging about the GAL program here in Hennepin. The next subject will be "God-damned media bastards" and disclosure of information about underaged victims. Pleas feel free to comment.

1 comment:

  1. And now it's been another two years! I would've thought grad school and full time public service work would give you lots of free time...
