Friday, October 30, 2009

Happy Halloween!!!

Today's thoughts are about boundaries. What you can share with clients, what you can't, what we put out into the world. One of my teen clients asked to "friend" me on facebook. I said HELL NO that's 18 kinds of inappropriate, but the question is out there- we are all very visible in the internet.

Said client is going to be dismissed soon, what then? I still say no, because there will always be a power differential in our relationship, but I also don't want my work life and my home life so intertwined.

So what about the blog? Since I am putting myself "out there" so to speak does it still matter? I think that the work we do is really important, and we do not have enough forums to discuss it. I also think that there is something about advocacy work that lends itself to this medium, with certain limitations.

And what about Halloween? :) YEAH, that's what it's all about. I didn't dress up today, but I am wearing orange and black and have a LOVELY tiara that Kellie bought me for my birthday a couple years ago. It has a spider on it, and it's really quite attractive. You can't go wrong with a good Tiara.

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