Wednesday, October 21, 2009

blogging up is hard to do...

OK, so all those brilliant and witty things I have been blogging about apparently didn't get posted. WHY? because I am a gen X technophobe, that's why.

I THINK I have it all figured out now.

I love that new Guardian smell in the air. 9 parts enthusiasm to 1 part they don't know what they are getting into. Here's a shout out to all the newbie volunteers form our class, love you guys.

OK, one day of separation anxiety, and now we are on to the new class. sheesh, give me some time to grieve already!

It is seriously time for the county to start opening on kids who really need help. How many stories have we heard about kids in family court or delinquencies that should have been chips kids? TOO many that's how many. even one is too many.

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